
Hand Stamped Sentiments Color Challenge #369


Rules and Deets:

  • You may use ANY BRAND of products to create your project.
  • Use keyword HSSCC369 when uploading to public galleries.
  • We would appreciate a link back to our HSS site.
  • Incorrect links are not eligible and will be deleted.
  • INLINKZ will close at noon (CST) Monday, August 9
  • Artist Picks will be announced on Tuesday, August 10
  • Join us for a new challenge every Tuesday. 
  •  PLEASE be kind and TURN OFF your word verification, THANK YOU!  


  1. Hey all! Just wanted to let you know that the dates for the challenge seem to be incorrect in the post. Just thought you'd want to know; I thought at first I had missed the cut off.

  2. Ditto what Amanda said. I almost didn't join in.

  3. Also, the header says #369 but the image says #368.
