
HSS Banner Bash Theme Challenge #81 and NEW Design Team Member

Banner Bash #81
You are cordially invited to join Hand Stamped Sentiments for their Banner Bash!  We would like for you to join us in creating a project using any kind of banner – rectangle, triangle, circle, square, long, short any shape!  Show us your banners!
Rules and Deets:
  • You may use ANY BRAND of products to create your project.
  • Use keyword HSSBB when uploading to public galleries.
  • We would appreciate a link back to our HSS site.
  • Incorrect links are not eligible and will be deleted.
  • INLINKZ will close at noon (CST) Monday, August 29th
  • Artist Picks will be announced on Tuesday, August 30th
  • Join us for a new challenge every Tuesday.
We’re so excited to introduce our newest design team member, Mindy Backes from Bada-Bing! Paper-Crafting! blog.  Please stop by her blog to see more of her projects.  We’re so glad to have her creating with us.  WELCOME MIndy! 
“I was so honored when Shannon asked me to join the HSS team!  I was like, "who me???".  I'm so honored to be part of this wonderfully creative team and hope I don't disappoint!  I've been crafty as long as I can remember and always had a ton of coloring books and crayons and markers and paper.  I got my first stamp set circa 1989...it was a Lisa Frank (remember all that stuff?) foam stamp set with bright NEON stamp pads.  I was hooked!  I started scrapping in college and grad school and found my way to cardmaking.  At my first "real" job I met a SU demo who invited me to a Christmas card party in 2005 and I was blown away and have never looked back!  I signed up as a demo in 2009 with the support of my fiance and now wonderful hubby.   Papercrafting has been a huge blessing in my life!  It's been a great hobby and creative outlet for me and I have made some of the best friends through stamping and SU!  As for my non-stamping life, I'm a full time (and then some) athletic trainer and part time aerobics instructor where Turbokick is my torture of choice.  It's fun to rock out to some jammin' tunes after sitting at the craft desk for hours on end!  I'm an only child which I find pretty unique since I don't know many people who are.  My husband Jon and I just celebrated our one year wedding anniversary in June after dating in high school and then taking a 10 year or so break!  I also have a wonderful 6 pound toy fox terrier who will turn 6 this month!  She likes to keep me company in my craft room while I stamp!  I look forward to the challenges here and to being pushed to think outside the box!”
Now for some inspiration from our talented design team…
Shannon Eberhardt
Erica Cerwin Anne Marie Hile
Sherry_banner Krista_banner
Sherry Hostetter Krista Jensen Amy Lazzell
Robbie Rubala

(Linkup closed)


  1. Great blog! Just found my way here via Mindy's blog! Great projects!!!

  2. Very cute projects! I just posted mine--only one banner, hope that's okay!

  3. Thanks so much for all your sweet comments ladies! You are all REALLY encouraging and it is sooo nice to get feedback on your submissions:)
